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Recursion by Rule

Posted 5 years ago

How to do recursion by using Rule ?

Simple way.

Example :

   fact = x_ /; x > 1 :> x ((x - 1) /. fact);

  fib = x_ /; x > 1 :> ( (x - 1) /. fib) + ((x - 2) /. fib);

8 /. fib


6 /.fact 


POSTED BY: ismail ali
5 Replies

Looks cool.


fact = x_ /; x > 1 :> x ((x - 1) /. fact);


In[132]:= 0 /. fact

Out[132]= 0

when ( mathmatically correct ! )

In[134]:= 0!

Out[134]= 1
POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine

Sounds good. But what is the role of Factorial2? Shouldn't it be

fact = x_ :> If[x == 1 || x == 0, 1, x ((x - 1) /. fact)];
POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine
Posted 5 years ago

Thanks, Hans Dolhaine for Hint.

The correct Rule:

fact = x_ :> If[x == 1!! x == 0, 1, x ((x - 1) /. fact)];
POSTED BY: ismail ali
Posted 5 years ago

the rule of Factorial2

 fact = x_Integer :> If[x == 1 || x == 0, 1, x ((x - 2) /. fact)];
POSTED BY: ismail ali
Posted 5 years ago

small test

Range[10] /. fact
{1, 2, 3, 8, 15, 48, 105, 384, 945, 3840}
POSTED BY: ismail ali
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