I have tried to use the example in Pos 7387 from Schaum's Outline of Mathematica (example 9.18). Unfortunatelly it did not work. Based on tips from the Community I have tyried to use ?NumericQ when defining Integrate or Assumptons->. Unfortunatelly it did not work. I substitute the function defined by their expression inside the Integrate and all was ok.
Neverthless it is more elegant and easier to verify the solution proposal by Eugene Don, PhD (Schaum). So I would like to ask your help to solve this problem.
Below I show the Eugene Don solution and mine one.
(*my solution*)
In[478]:= Clear[x]
In[596]:= Off[General::ivar]
In[597]:= f[x_] = x^2;
s[x_] = Integrate[Sqrt[1 + (f'[t])^2], {t, 0, x}];
Plot[Integrate[Sqrt[1 + (f'[t])^2], {t, 0, x}], {x, 0, 3}, AxesLabel -> {"x", "s(x)"}]
In[482]:= Off[Set::write]
In[483]:= resposta = FindRoot[NIntegrate[Sqrt[1 + (f'[t])^2], {t, 0, x}] == 5, {x, 2}]
Out[483]= {x -> 2.08401}
In[484]:= x = x /. x -> 2.08401;
{x, f[x]}
Out[485]= {2.08401, 4.3431}
(*Eugen Don Solution*)
f[x_] = x^2;
s[x_] = Integrate[Sqrt[1 + (f'[t])^2], {t, 0, x}];
Plot[s[x], {x, 0, 3}, AxesLabel -> {"x", "s(x)"}]
solution = FindRoot[s[x] == 5, {x, 2}] x = x /. solution;
{x, f[x]}