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How do I utilize this Wolfram Mathematica ?

Posted 5 years ago

I purchased the tool to solve some implicit equations of the below nature, but I don't know where (dialogue box/ interface) to type in the equation in the Wolfram Mathematica tool to solve my problem. I would also want to do some iteration at the end. Please can someone be of help to me?T hanks.

POSTED BY: felix ikenna
2 Replies
Posted 5 years ago

If you are completely new to Mathematica / Wolfram Language. I suggest reading this, this, this.

POSTED BY: Rohit Namjoshi

Is the "tool" you refer to Mathematica or some other Wolfram product? If so, I recommend that you watch the video"Hand-on Start to Mathematica" ( ).

What specifically are you trying to do with what equation?

What kind of iteration are you trying to do?

POSTED BY: Murray Eisenberg
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