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CDF Seems to be Unevaluated

I created a slide show containing Manipulate cells. Each time I quit and relaunch Mathematica I have to evaluate the notebook before I use it, which is not a problem.
I have saved the slide show as a CDF and when my students open the file they have the same problem. What shows up in the output cells is part of the input, some of it highlighted in pink.

Can I share slide shows with people who only have Wolfram Player?

7 Replies
Posted 5 years ago

I saw you followed the SaveDefinitions suggestion from Henrik Schachner that you got in your other post. Good, that was also my suspicion.

But there is also another issue with the manipulate in slide 5. It is continually updating. You can stop that with the option TrackedSymbols

{t, -4, 8, Appearance -> "Open"}, SaveDefinitions -> True, TrackedSymbols :> {t}]
POSTED BY: Hans Milton
Posted 5 years ago

I have a suspicion of what maybe could be the problem. Could you share the notebook?

POSTED BY: Hans Milton

Here is a copy of the show.


Thanks Hans,

I attached the notebook below.

Posted 5 years ago

Stephen, I meant the Mathematica source notebook. File ending .nb

POSTED BY: Hans Milton

Sorry Hans, the .nb file is attached below. I left all the input cells open for you.

Thanks again.


Thanks Hans. That helped.

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