I'm trying to create a Hydraulic Graph for Fire Protection uses via mathematica.
These images show how to construct one by hand:

This is what the result should look like for flows (gallons per minute or gpm) 0 - 5000 and residual pressures 0 - 100

My efforts to put this into mathematica are:
ListLogLinearPlot[Table[{n, n^1.85}, {n, 1200, 4200}], Joined -> True]
This does not generate a straight line.
The x axis appears to be logarithmic and the y axis linear, which is right, but I don't know if the x axis is logarithmic to an exponent of 1.85 as it should be for hydraulic friction loss. The y axis goes all the way to 5*10^6 when it should only go to 100 for residual pressure.
What I'm trying to figure out:
How to make the x axis increments based on an exponent of 1.85 as in the above picture.
How to make the y axis go from 0 to 100 as in the above picture.
How to make the line go down from the start point instead of going up, based on two points (a point at 0 gpm, at some static pressure such as 69 psi, and then a point at a big gpm, for example 3000, and a residual pressure of 35).
How to make the line straight.
The incorrect result in mathematica:

Here is my second attempt, which doesn't generate a line at all, no idea what I'm doing wrong