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Print solutions for a function with 3 variables

Posted 4 years ago

Hello! I need some help with printing a function consisting of 3 variables. I want to plot it in the range R3 and my function is z>= Sqrt(x^2+y^2). I have tried to use ContourPlot but it just keeps failing. I do not have any limits for the variables but since ContourPlot uses it I have made up some limits but it still doesn't work. Please help! // Matilda

POSTED BY: Matilda Qvick
4 Replies
Posted 4 years ago

Hi Matilda,

Is this what you are looking for?

z[x_, y_] := Sqrt[x^2 + y^2];
ContourPlot[z[x, y], {x, -5, 5}, {y, -5, 5}]

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Rohit Namjoshi
Posted 4 years ago

Wow thank you so much!!!

Do you think I should use ContourPlot3D instead since it's in range R3? Also, how would I make it ">=" instead of "="? It doesn't seem to work when I replace it just like that.

POSTED BY: Matilda Qvick
Posted 4 years ago

I am not sure exactly what you are trying to visualize. Maybe this?

RegionPlot3D[z >= Sqrt[x^2 + y^2],
 {x, -5, 5}, {y, -5, 5}, {z, 0, 5},
 PlotPoints -> 50,
 ColorFunction -> Hue]

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Rohit Namjoshi
Posted 4 years ago

Thank you so so so so much! I think that's it! I am very new to Mathematica and all your help was truly gold! Thank you!!

POSTED BY: Matilda Qvick
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