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Graphic in Office 365 doc corrupt on file reopen?

Posted 4 years ago

Copy and paste of Mathematica graphics in Windows 10 / Mathematica 12.1 now appears to be transported via SVG.

Pasting a plot-graphic into either word or powerpoint generates a beautiful plot. Saving the MS doc, and reopening it results in corrupt text; only the lower 1/8 to 1/10 of the text is shown. Not so beautiful.

I can't find any workaround/fix via Google to make this work. I wonder if anyone else has found a solution.

MS help "chat", not so much.



POSTED BY: Mark Moores
2 Replies

In Powerpoint paste special (choose EMF/WMF) pastes a rastered image: it saves as an EMF (if you choose save-as, so presumably the format is correct), but it's been sampled at pixel level. Go MS.

All of this makes for a ridiculously convoluted workflow.

POSTED BY: Mark Moores

It looks like you can easily reproduce the corruption by just right clicking on the pasted image and selecting Convert to Shape. Funny enough, if you save the document as RTF it is fine. So SVG -> EMF seems to work, but not SVG -> Word Shapes (which is what docx would use). For now, I'd stick to using Paste Special > Enhanced Metafile.

POSTED BY: Ian Hojnicki
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