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The Generalized MRB constant

The convergent sum for MRB constant, as defined at MathWorld is approximated by

NSum[(-1)^n *((n)^(1/n) - 1), {n, 1, Infinity}, WorkingPrecision -> 30, Method -> "AlternatingSigns"]


The convergent sum for Generalized MRB constant is approximated by

NSum[(I)^n *((-n)^(1/n) - 1), {n, 1, Infinity}, WorkingPrecision -> 30, Method -> "AlternatingSigns"]

=1.5799359798382254715673492184 - 2.7085160796669495851478742534 I Its real, imaginary and module parts are all close to Pi/2, -E and Pi, to 91/10,000, 97/10,000 and 59/10,000 respectively.

  NSum[(-1)^n *((n)^(1/n) - 1), {n, 1, Infinity}, 
 WorkingPrecision -> 30, Method -> "AlternatingSigns"]

 (* 0.18785964246206712024857897184*)

 Sum[(I)^n *((-n)^(1/n) - 1), {n, 1, Infinity}]

$$\sum _{n=1}^{\infty } i^n \left((-n)^{1/n}-1\right)$$

NSum[(I)^n *((-n)^(1/n) - 1), {n, 1, Infinity}, 
 WorkingPrecision -> 30, Method -> "AlternatingSigns"]

(* 1.5799359798382254715673492184 - 
 2.7085160796669495851478742534 I*)

(Pi/2 - E I) - 
 NSum[(I)^n *((-n)^(1/n) - 1), {n, 1, Infinity}, 
  WorkingPrecision -> 30, Method -> "AlternatingSigns"]

(* -0.0091396530433288523360275268 - 
 0.0097657487920956502124132179 I*)

 Pi - 
 Abs[NSum[(I)^n *((-n)^(1/n) - 1), {n, 1, Infinity}, 
   WorkingPrecision -> 30, Method -> "AlternatingSigns"]]

(* 0.0059496486860469938011013043*)
POSTED BY: Marvin Ray Burns
(Pi/2 - E I) - 
    NSum[(I)^n *((-n)^(1/n) - 1), {n, 1, Infinity}, 
    WorkingPrecision -> 30, Method -> "AlternatingSigns"] + (
    3^(3/4) Sqrt[19 - 5^(2/3)])/10^3 + Im[(23 + 9*I)^(3/19)/10] I

= -1.956013164857547142  10^-10 + 5.429398424534603227  10^-10 I

That is enter image description here.

    Pi - Abs[NSum[I^n*((-n)^(1/n) - 1), {n, 1, Infinity}, 
       WorkingPrecision -> 30, Method -> "AlternatingSigns"]] - 
          Pi + (1/100)*(3782797/8082127)^(2/3)*Pi^2)/20, 30]

That is enter image description here.

POSTED BY: Marvin Ray Burns
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