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Is there a way to produce the most abbreviated format of the given formula?

Posted 11 years ago
I am trying to produce the most abbreviated format of the following formula:
(F (-3 u[1, 0] + 6 u[1, 1] - 3 u[1, 2]))/(2 Sqrt[
u[1, 0]^2 + 3 u[1, 1]^2 - 3 u[1, 1] u[1, 2] + 3 u[1, 2]^2 -
3 u[1, 2] u[1, 3] + u[1, 3]^2 + u[1, 0] (-3 u[1, 1] + u[1, 3])])

I used "Refine" , "Simplify" and everything but could not produce the most abbreviated format..

Is there a way to do so..?

Any helps will be greatly appreciated!
POSTED BY: Woo Young Kang
2 Replies
What do you expect to get as a result?
POSTED BY: David Reiss
Posted 11 years ago
Like something that includes sigma and etc which abbreviates the whole equation by considering the patterns of the variables.
POSTED BY: Woo Young Kang
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