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Interpolate a function with 60 of points

Posted 4 years ago

Hello everyone. I need to interpolate a set of 60 pairs of points associated to positions in the X axis and time. I have tried to use InterpolatingPolynomial[XMTimeM, x], but the result is a very long piecewise function. Is there another way to find the interpolating polynomial that offers a simpler way of doing this?

I need a relatively simple expression of the tipe aX^n+bX^(n-1)+.... since I will then have to write it in another language.

I will attach my code in case someone can help me.

Thanks. Jaime.

POSTED BY: Jaime de la Mota
2 Replies

See attached file ,maybe helps.

POSTED BY: Mariusz Iwaniuk

Indeed it does. Thank you very much

POSTED BY: Jaime de la Mota
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