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Get the analytic solution of transient heat equation in Mathematica?

Posted 4 years ago

This is my problem: This is the transient heat transfer problem in 1D.

enter image description here

and this is my code:

I can't get the analytic solution. Anyone could help me? Thank you very much!

POSTED BY: Yuhai Xiang
4 Replies

I think this could be done like this

heateq = D[fT[x, t], t] - a D[fT[x, t], x, x]

Do a Laplace-Transformation, giving an ODE for the PDE

fLT = LaplaceTransform[heateq, t, s]

Solve the equivalent ODE

sol = DSolve[-T0 + s fTL[x] - a D[fTL[x], x, x] == 0, fTL[x], x] // Flatten
fT1 = fTL[x] /. sol

The solution must be finite

fT2 = fT1 /. C[1] -> 0

Constant flow of heat at x = 0 gives

c2 = Solve[-a D[fT2, x] == a/s /. x -> 0, C[2]] // Flatten


fT4 = fT2 /. c2

Transform back in the x-t-domain

f1xt = FullSimplify[InverseLaplaceTransform[fT4, s, t],   x > 0 && t > 0]

and show the result for different times

t1 =.
werte = {a -> .1, k -> .1, T0 -> 2};
f1xtn = f1xt /. werte /. t -> t1
t1 = 100;
Plot[f1xtn, {x, 0, 5}, PlotRange -> {0, 10}]


POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine
Posted 1 year ago

In your problem, both boundary conditions are with constant temperature but what is the analytical solution if you have a boundary condition with constant heat flow?

POSTED BY: Updating Name
Posted 4 years ago

Thank you very much!

POSTED BY: Yuhai Xiang


First we solve PDE only with first two ic's.

(*12.1.0 for Microsoft Windows (64-bit) (March 14, 2020)*)

Heat = D[T[y, t], t] - α*D[T[y, t], {y, 2}] == 0;
ic = {T[y, 0] == 0, T[0, t] == 1};
sol = DSolve[{Heat, ic}, T[y, t], {y, t}, Assumptions -> {α > 0, t > 0, y > 0}]

(*{{T[y, t] -> (
   y Inactive[Integrate][
     E^(-(y^2/(4 t α - 4 α K[2])))/(t - K[2])^(
     3/2), {K[2], 0, t}, Assumptions -> True])/(
   2 Sqrt[π] Sqrt[α])}}*)

sol // Activate (* Mathematica Can't find Integral ? *)
(*{{T[y, t] -> (
   y Inactive[Integrate][
     E^(-(y^2/(4 t α - 4 α K[2])))/(t - K[2])^(
     3/2), {K[2], 0, t}, Assumptions -> True])/(
   2 Sqrt[π] Sqrt[α])}}*)

Workaround to solve integral:

        y E^(-((A*y^2)/(4 t α - 4 α K[2])))/(t - K[2])^(
         3/2))/(2 Sqrt[π] Sqrt[α]), A, s], {K[2], 0, t}, 
       Assumptions -> {t > 0, α > 0, y > 0}], s, A] /. A -> 1, 
    Assumptions -> {t > 0, y > 0, α > 0}] // Expand
 (*Erfc[y/(2 Sqrt[t α])]*)

We check if this solution fulfills Boundary Condition $T(\infty ,t)=0$

 Limit[Erfc[y/(2 Sqrt[t α])], y -> Infinity, 
  Assumptions -> {α > 0, y > 0, t > 0}]
 (* 0 *) (*Check OK*)

We check if this solution fulfills Initial Condition $T(0 ,t)=1$

Limit[Erfc[y/(2 Sqrt[t α])], y -> 0, Assumptions -> {t > 0, α > 0}]
  (*1 *)

We check if this solution fulfills Initial Condition $T(y ,0)=0$

 Limit[Erfc[y/(2 Sqrt[t α])], t -> 0, Assumptions -> {y > 0, α > 0}, Direction -> -1]
 (* 0 *)

Check if solution is true:

 Heat /. {T -> Function[{y, t}, Erfc[y/(2 Sqrt[t α])]]}

Then solution is:

$$T(y,t)=\text{erfc}\left(\frac{y}{2 \sqrt{t \alpha }}\right)$$

POSTED BY: Mariusz Iwaniuk
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