Hello, I have a 12 year old and I want to put an image to a function an image with my hand and then the function tracks it, like the FindFaces function, but so that I can custom it.
I found a function that may help you go through what you're aiming to : https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/ImageIdentify.html
However, I can't try it it out since this is a rather new version, at least newer than my version of Mathematica. Hope it helps.
Ok, i will try it.
Hello Felipe,
your idea gave me an opportunity to play around with some interesting functions! I do not have a movie showing a hand (and I do not want to upload a big video file anyway), so I used another one (from ExampleData) for tracking a lama. My notebook is attached - maybe this gives you some inspiration.
Regards -- Henrik