Hi Rohit,
Thanks for your reply. When I Graphics3D I cannot combine fig1 and fig2 because fig1 has a reverse axis. I use ScalingFunctions -> {None, "Reverse"}
in fig1. So, the following code places X outside the surface plot.
fig1 = Plot3D[Log[a] + Log[b], {a, 1, 10}, {b, 1, 10},
ScalingFunctions -> {None, "Reverse"}]; f2 =
Graphics3D[{Black, PointSize[0.02],
Point[{5, 5, Log[5] + Log[5] + .1}],
Text[Style["X", 12], {5, 5, Log[5] + Log[5] + .6}]}];
Show[fig1, f2]
Is there a way to make Graphics3D work with a reverse axis or is there a way to modify labels in ListPointPlot3D? Thank you so much in advance.