Hello all,
Here is what I am struggling with:
I have a cube, whose origin is (0,0,0) and one egde length is e.
I am generating random planes with respect to the equation
z = a*x + b*y + c
In order to generate planes, I randomly generate a, b and c first.
After that, I put random points on the planes I have generated.
However, I need my points to be in the cube.
But when I generate my planes randomly, most of the times, z coordinate is huge.
For instance: If my cube is (100 x 100 x 100) and
If I generate x coordinate as 9, then only way for my point to be inside the cube is (9,0,100).
I don't want this for two reasons:
1. The points are distributed so apart, as in example (I generated 10 different planes and those are three random points on three of them)
z = 11x + 9y + 5 42(3.00,0.00,38.00)
z = 13x + 3y + 2 43(2.00,8.00,52.00)
z = 11x + 9y + 5 44(6.00,3.00,98.00)
2. Some of my points are outside of the cube
Please suggest an algorithm for me to generate proper planes and random points on those planes.