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A two-dimensional vertex model for simulating biological tissues

The most updated version of the code is present on:

enter image description here

The introduction to what vertex models are, is given in an earlier post:

Below is a simpler two-dimensional vertex model implemented in version 12.1 to minimize an energy function defined on a polygonal mesh (e.g. to simulate how cell shapes and curvature evolve in biological tissues).

Geometrical functions

getCounterClockwise[vertex_, vertices_] := Block[{pos, v},
   pos = First @@ Position[vertices, vertex];
   If[pos == Length[vertices], pos = 1, pos += 1];

getClockwise[vertex_, vertices_] := Block[{ls, pos},
     pos = First @@ Position[vertices, vertex];
     If[pos == 1, pos = Length[vertices], pos -= 1];

areaOfPolygon[cells_ /; Head[cells] === Association] := Map[Area@*Polygon, cells];

areaPolygon[vertices_] := Block[{edges},
  edges = Partition[vertices, 2, 1, 1];
  0.5 Abs@Total[(#[[1, 1]]*#[[2, 2]]) - (#[[2, 1]]*#[[1, 2]]) & /@ edges]

perimeterOfPolygon[cells_/; Head[cells] === Association] := (Perimeter@*Polygon)/@cells;

perimeterPolygon[vertices_] := Block[{edges},
  edges = Partition[vertices, 2, 1, 1];
  Total[Apply[EuclideanDistance] /@ edges]

centroidPolygon[vertices_] := Mean@vertices;

polyCounterClockwiseQ[poly_] := 
 Block[{area = 0, j, vertLength = Length[poly]},
   j = Mod[i, vertLength] + 1;
   area += poly[[i, 1]]*poly[[j, 2]];
   area -= poly[[j, 1]]*poly[[i, 2]],
   {i, vertLength}];
  (area/2) > 0

sortPointsCC[polyinds_, indTopts_, ptsToInds_] := 
 Block[{cent, ordering, polyPoints},
  polyPoints = Lookup[indTopts, polyinds];
  cent = Mean@polyPoints;
  ordering = 
   Ordering[ArcTan[#[[1]], #[[2]]] &@(# - cent) & /@ polyPoints];
  Lookup[ptsToInds, Part[polyPoints, ordering]]

Mesh Restructuring operations

T1 transition (neighbour switching)

edgesforT1[edgeLs_, indToPts_, threshLength_ : 0.0015] := 
  Block[{edges, dist},
   edges = Lookup[indToPts, #] & /@ edgeLs;
   dist = EuclideanDistance @@ # & /@ edges;
   {Pick[edges, Thread[dist <= threshLength], True], 
    Pick[edgeLs, Thread[dist <= threshLength], True]}

T1transitionFn[edges_, indToPtsAssoc_, vertexToCellG_, cellToVertexG_, dSep_ : 0.01] := 
  Block[{findEdges, edgeind, connectedcellKeys, edge, newpts, cellvertIndices,
cellvertices, pos, cellpolys, memF, keyscellP, selcellKeys, ptToCell, newptsindices, 
indToPts = indToPtsAssoc, ptsToInds, PtIndToCell, keysToMap, cellindicesAssoc, f1, 
otherkeys, f2, polysharingEdge, bag = CreateDataStructure["DynamicArray"], 
    vertToCellG = vertexToCellG, cellToVertG = cellToVertexG, testpts, edgechanged},
   {edgechanged, findEdges} = edgesforT1[edges, indToPts]; 

(* finding all possible edges for T1 transition *)
   If[findEdges != {},
     (edgeind = #;
       If[ContainsAll[Keys[indToPts], edgeind],
        (* should be an edge not connected to an edge that has already undergone a T1 *)
        connectedcellKeys = 
         DeleteDuplicates[Flatten@Lookup[vertToCellG, edgeind]];
        cellvertIndices = Lookup[cellToVertG, connectedcellKeys];
        edge = Lookup[indToPts, edgeind];
        newpts = With[{midPt = Mean[edge]},
           midPt + dSep Normalize[(# - midPt)] & /@Flatten[RotationTransform[-(\[Pi]/2), midPt] /@ {edge}, 1]
        testpts = With[{midPt = Mean[edge]},
          midPt + 0.000001 Normalize[(# - midPt)] & /@ newpts
        pos = Position[cellvertIndices, {OrderlessPatternSequence[___, 
            First@edgeind, ___, Last@edgeind, ___]}, {1}];
        polysharingEdge = Extract[cellvertIndices, pos];
        (* the edge should not be part of any \[CapitalDelta] *)
        If[(AllTrue[polysharingEdge, Length[#] != 3 &]) && 
          ContainsNone[edgeind, Union@*Flatten@*Normal@bag],
         cellvertices = Map[Lookup[indToPts, #] &, cellvertIndices];
         cellpolys = Polygon /@ cellvertices;
         memF = Function[x, RegionMember@x, Listable][Extract[cellpolys, pos]];
         If[k == 17, Print["conn cells:", connectedcellKeys]];
         keyscellP = Extract[connectedcellKeys, pos];
         selcellKeys = Thread[keyscellP -> memF];
         ptToCell = Quiet[# -> First@@Select[selcellKeys, Function[x, Last[x][#]]] & /@ 
             testpts /. HoldPattern[_ -> First[]] -> Nothing] ;(*pt to cell *)
         ptToCell = ptToCell /. Thread[testpts -> newpts];
         newptsindices = Range[# + 1, # + 2] &[Max[Keys@indToPts]];
         KeyDropFrom[indToPts, edgeind];
         AppendTo[indToPts, Thread[newptsindices -> newpts]];
         ptsToInds = AssociationMap[Reverse, indToPts];
         bag["Append", edgeind];
         PtIndToCell = MapAt[ptsToInds, ptToCell, {All, 1}] /. Rule -> List ;(*index to cell*)
         keysToMap = MapAt[Key, PtIndToCell, {All, 2}];
         cellindicesAssoc = AssociationThread[connectedcellKeys, cellvertIndices];
         f1 = 
               x /. Thread[ edgeind -> #2[[1]] ]]], #1, #2[[2]]] &, 
           cellindicesAssoc, keysToMap];
         otherkeys = List@*Key /@ Complement[connectedcellKeys, keyscellP];
         f2 = 
          MapAt[(# /. (Alternatives @@ edgeind) -> 
                Splice[newptsindices] // 
              sortPointsCC[#, indToPts, ptsToInds] &) &, f1, 
         AppendTo[cellToVertG, f2];
         vertToCellG = GroupBy[Flatten[(Reverse[#, 2] &)@*Thread /@Normal@cellToVertG], First -> Last];
        ]) &,
   {edgechanged, indToPts, cellToVertG, vertToCellG}

T2 transitions (cell removal)

cellsforT2[areaAssoc_, cellVertexG_, thresh_ : 10^-5] := 
  Block[{keys, ls, inds},
   keys = Keys@Select[areaAssoc, # < thresh &];
   ls = Lookup[cellVertexG, keys];
   inds = Flatten@Position[ls, x_ /; (3 <= Length[x] <= 6), {1}];
   If[inds != {}, {keys[[inds]], ls[[inds]]}, {{}, {}}] (*cell inds, vertices*)

T2TransitionFn[{cellsToRemove_, vertindsRemove_}, indTopts_, 
   cellToVertexG_, areaPolygonAssoc_, periPolygonAssoc_] := 
  Block[{newVertices, maxkey, newindices,
     newentries, indToPts = indTopts, ruleDisp, removeentries, 
     CVG = cellToVertexG, notaCell, VertCellGrouping},
    newVertices = Mean@Lookup[indTopts, #] & /@ vertindsRemove;
    maxkey = Max@*Keys@indTopts;
    newindices = Range[maxkey + 1, maxkey + Length[newVertices]];
    newentries = Thread[newindices -> newVertices];
    KeyDropFrom[indToPts, Union@Flatten[vertindsRemove]];
    AppendTo[indToPts, newentries];
    ruleDisp = 
        Thread[#1 -> #2] &, {vertindsRemove, newindices}]];
    removeentries = Union@Flatten@cellsToRemove;
    KeyDropFrom[CVG, removeentries];
    CVG = DeleteDuplicates /@ Replace[CVG, ruleDisp, {2}];
    notaCell = Keys@Select[Length /@ CVG, # < 3 &];
    KeyDropFrom[CVG, notaCell];
    VertCellGrouping = 
     GroupBy[Flatten[(Reverse[#, 2] &)@*Thread /@ Normal@CVG], 
      First -> Last];
    {indToPts, CVG, VertCellGrouping, 
     KeyDrop[areaPolygonAssoc, removeentries~Join~notaCell],
     KeyDrop[periPolygonAssoc, removeentries~Join~notaCell]}
    ] /; vertindsRemove != {};

Cell Divisions

probability of cell division is based on the cell area

selectDivCells[areaPolygon_, areathresh_ : 2.2, thresh_ : 0.0025] := 
  Block[{candidates, pos},
   candidates = 
    Normal@Select[areaPolygon/Mean[areaPolygon], # > areathresh &];
   pos = Position[0.1 RandomReal[1, Length@candidates], 
     x_ /; x < thresh];
   Keys@Extract[candidates, pos]

cellDivision[polygonind_, indToPoints_, areaAssoc_, perimAssoc_, 
   cellToVertG_] := 
  Block[{x, y, num, matrix, xx, xy, yy, eigvals, eigVecs, maxeigpos, 
    cent, edges, edgesL, intersects, intersectionPts, 
    posIntersections, repPart, \[Alpha], \[Beta], polygonPts, 
    newkeys = Range[# + 1, # + 2] &[Max@Keys[indToPoints]], 
    newPtToInds, indtoPtAssoc = indToPoints, ptToIndAssoc, edgeinds, 
    contour, poly1, poly2, res, seq,
    newcells = Range[# + 1, # + 2] &[Max@Keys[areaAssoc]], 
    CVG = cellToVertG, addcellsRule, polygonPtsInds, VCG},
   VCG = GroupBy[Flatten[(Reverse[#, 2] &)@*Thread /@ Normal@CVG], 
     First -> Last];
   polygonPtsInds = CVG[polygonind];
   num = Length@polygonPtsInds;
   ptToIndAssoc = AssociationMap[Reverse, indToPoints];
   polygonPts = Lookup[indToPoints, polygonPtsInds];
   Evaluate[Table[{Subscript[x, i], Subscript[y, i]}, {i, num}]] = 
   Subscript[I, xx] = (1/12) \!\(
\*UnderoverscriptBox[\(\[Sum]\), \(i = 1\), \(num - 1\)]\(\((
\*SubscriptBox[\(x\), \(i\)] 
\*SubscriptBox[\(y\), \(i + 1\)]\  - 
\*SubscriptBox[\(x\), \(i + 1\)] 
\*SubscriptBox[\(y\), \(i\)]\ )\) \((
SubscriptBox[\(y\), \(i\)], \(2\)] + 
\*SubscriptBox[\(y\), \(i\)] 
\*SubscriptBox[\(y\), \(i + 1\)] + 
SubscriptBox[\(y\), \(i + 1\)], \(2\)])\)\)\);
   Subscript[I, yy] = (1/12) \!\(
\*UnderoverscriptBox[\(\[Sum]\), \(i = 1\), \(num - 1\)]\(\((
\*SubscriptBox[\(x\), \(i\)] 
\*SubscriptBox[\(y\), \(i + 1\)]\  - 
\*SubscriptBox[\(x\), \(i + 1\)] 
\*SubscriptBox[\(y\), \(i\)]\ )\) \((
SubscriptBox[\(x\), \(i\)], \(2\)] + 
\*SubscriptBox[\(x\), \(i\)] 
\*SubscriptBox[\(x\), \(i + 1\)] + 
SubscriptBox[\(x\), \(i + 1\)], \(2\)])\)\)\);
   Subscript[I, xy] = (1 /24) \!\(
\*UnderoverscriptBox[\(\[Sum]\), \(i = 1\), \(num - 1\)]\(\((
\*SubscriptBox[\(x\), \(i\)] 
\*SubscriptBox[\(y\), \(i + 1\)]\  - 
\*SubscriptBox[\(x\), \(i + 1\)] 
\*SubscriptBox[\(y\), \(i\)]\ )\) \((
\*SubscriptBox[\(x\), \(i\)] 
\*SubscriptBox[\(y\), \(i + 1\)] + 2 
\*SubscriptBox[\(x\), \(i\)] 
\*SubscriptBox[\(y\), \(i\)] + 2 
\*SubscriptBox[\(x\), \(i + 1\)] 
\*SubscriptBox[\(y\), \(i + 1\)] + 
\*SubscriptBox[\(x\), \(i + 1\)] 
\*SubscriptBox[\(y\), \(i\)])\)\)\);
   Table[{Unevaluated[Subscript[x, j]] =., 
     Unevaluated[Subscript[y, j]] =.}, {j, num}];
   matrix = ( {
      {Subscript[I, xx], -Subscript[I, xy]},
      {-Subscript[I, xy], Subscript[I, yy]}
     } );
   {eigvals, eigVecs} = Eigensystem@matrix;
   maxeigpos = Position[eigvals, Max@eigvals];
   {edges, edgeinds} = 
    Partition[#, 2, 1, 1] & /@ {polygonPts, polygonPtsInds};
   edgesL = Line /@ edges;
   cent = centroidPolygon[polygonPts];
   intersects = 
         cent + Extract[eigVecs, maxeigpos][[1]]}], #] & /@ edgesL;
   intersectionPts = Cases[intersects, {(_Real | _Integer) ..}, {3}];
   newPtToInds = Thread[intersectionPts -> newkeys];
   posIntersections = Flatten@Position[intersects, _Point, {1}];
    (res = Complement[Intersection @@ Lookup[VCG, #2], {polygonind}];
      If[res != {},
       seq = Partition[CVG[First@res], 2, 1, 1];
        First@res -> 
            seq, {x___, 
              p : {OrderlessPatternSequence[#2[[1]], #2[[-1]]]}, 
              y___} :> {x, Insert[p, #1, 2], y}]
       ]) & , {newkeys, edgeinds[[posIntersections]]}];

   repPart = 
    Thread[{Thread[{ReverseSort@posIntersections, 2}], 
   {\[Alpha], \[Beta]} = intersectionPts;
   AppendTo[ptToIndAssoc, newPtToInds];
   AppendTo[indtoPtAssoc, Reverse[newPtToInds, 2]];
   contour = 
     Flatten[Fold[Insert[#1, #2[[2]], #2[[1]]] &, edges, repPart], 1];
   poly1 = 
    Join @@ SequenceCases[contour, {___, \[Alpha]} | {\[Beta], ___}];
   poly2 = Join @@ SequenceCases[contour, {\[Alpha], __, \[Beta]}];
   KeyDropFrom[CVG, polygonind];
   addcellsRule = Thread[newcells -> {poly1, poly2}];
   AppendTo[CVG, addcellsRule /. ptToIndAssoc];
   {indtoPtAssoc, CVG, 
    Append[KeyDrop[areaAssoc, polygonind], 
     MapAt[Area@*Polygon, addcellsRule, {All, 2}]],
    Append[KeyDrop[perimAssoc, polygonind], 
     MapAt[Perimeter@*Polygon, addcellsRule, {All, 2}]]}

Compute Forces

Subscript[F, AreaElasticity][indTopts_, vertexToCellG_, 
  cellToVertexG_, areaPolygonAssoc_] := 
 Block[{cellinds, temp, vertKeys = Keys[indTopts],
   vertLs, vertex, gc, gcc, diffVec, grad, coeff},
     cellinds = Lookup[vertexToCellG, i];
     temp = {0, 0};
     vertex = indTopts[i];
      vertLs = Lookup[indTopts, Lookup[cellToVertexG, j]];
      gcc = getCounterClockwise[vertex, vertLs];
      gc = getClockwise[vertex, vertLs];
      diffVec = gcc - gc;
      grad = 0.5*{{0, 1}, {-1, 0}}.diffVec;
      coeff = ka  (areaPolygonAssoc[j] - A0);
      temp += grad*coeff, {j, cellinds}
     Sow@temp, {i, vertKeys}]

Subscript[F, PerimeterElasticity][indTopts_, vertexToCellG_, 
  cellToVertexG_, periPolygonAssoc_] := 
 Block[{cellinds, temp, vertKeys = Keys[indTopts], vertLs,
   vertex, gc, gcc, v1, v2, coeff, grad},
     cellinds = Lookup[vertexToCellG, i];
     temp = {0, 0};
     vertex = indTopts[i];
      vertLs = Lookup[indTopts, Lookup[cellToVertexG, j]];
      gc = getClockwise[vertex, vertLs];
      gcc = getCounterClockwise[vertex, vertLs];
      v1 = Normalize[vertex - gc];
      v2 = Normalize[vertex - gcc];
      grad = v1 + v2;
      coeff = \[Gamma] (periPolygonAssoc[j] - P0);
      temp += grad*coeff, {j, cellinds}];
     Sow@temp, {i, vertKeys}]

Subscript[F, LineTension][indTopts_, vertexToCellG_, cellToVertexG_] :=
  Block[{cellinds, temp, vertKeys = Keys@indTopts, vertLs,
   vertex, gc, gcc, v1, v2},
     cellinds = Lookup[vertexToCellG, i];
     temp = {0, 0};
     vertex = indTopts[i];
      vertLs = Lookup[indTopts, Lookup[cellToVertexG, j]];
      gc = getClockwise[vertex, vertLs];
      gcc = getCounterClockwise[vertex, vertLs];
      v1 = Normalize[vertex - gc];
      v2 = Normalize[vertex - gcc];
      temp += \[Kappa] v1 + \[Kappa] v2, {j, cellinds}];
     Sow@temp, {i, vertKeys}]

Subscript[F, ActiveContraction][indTopts_, vertexToCellG_, 
  cellToVertexG_, areaPolygonAssoc_] := 
 Block[{cellinds, temp, vertKeys = Keys@indTopts, vertLs,
   vertex, gc, gcc, diffVec, grad, coeff},
     cellinds = Lookup[vertexToCellG, i];
     temp = {0, 0};
     vertex = indTopts[i];
      vertLs = Lookup[indTopts, Lookup[cellToVertexG, j]];
      gcc = getCounterClockwise[vertex, vertLs];
      gc = getClockwise[vertex, vertLs];
      diffVec = gcc - gc;
      grad = 0.5*{{0, 1}, {-1, 0}}.diffVec;
      coeff = 0.1 ka *(areaPolygonAssoc[j]);
      temp += grad*coeff, {j, cellinds}];
     Sow@temp, {i, vertKeys}]

Subscript[F, T][indTopts_, vertexToCellG_, cellToVertexG_, 
   areaPolygonAssoc_, periPolygonAssoc_] := -(
    Subscript[F, AreaElasticity][indTopts, vertexToCellG, 
      cellToVertexG, areaPolygonAssoc] +
     Subscript[F, PerimeterElasticity][indTopts, vertexToCellG, 
      cellToVertexG, periPolygonAssoc] +
     Subscript[F, LineTension][indTopts, vertexToCellG, 
      cellToVertexG] + 
     Subscript[F, ActiveContraction][indTopts, vertexToCellG, 
      cellToVertexG, areaPolygonAssoc]

Initialize parameters, create mesh and run simulation

ka = 1; A0 = 1; \[Gamma] =  0.04*ka*A0; \[Delta]t = 0.02; P0 = 0; \[Kappa] = 0.025;

mesh = VoronoiMesh[RandomReal[1, {200, 2}], {{0, 1}, {0, 1}}, 
   ImageSize -> Medium];
pts = MeshPrimitives[mesh, 0] /. Point -> Sequence;
cornerpts = pts[[-4 ;;]];
pts = pts[[1 ;; -5]];
$ptsToInd = ptsToInd = AssociationThread[pts -> Range@Length@pts];
$indTopts = indTopts = AssociationMap[Reverse][ptsToInd];
cellmeshprim = MeshPrimitives[mesh, 2];
cells = (MeshPrimitives[#, 0] & /@ cellmeshprim) /. 
    Point -> Sequence /. Thread[cornerpts -> Nothing];
$cellToVertexG = 
  cellToVertexG = 
   AssociationThread[Range[Length@cells] -> Map[ptsToInd, cells, {2}]];
$vertexToCell = 
  vertexToCell = 
   GroupBy[Flatten[(Reverse[#, 2] &)@*Thread /@ Normal@cellToVertexG],
     First -> Last];

Lets see the initial mesh

Graphics[Map[{RandomColor[], Polygon@Lookup[indTopts, #]} &, 
  Values@cellToVertexG], ImageSize -> Medium]

enter image description here

$cellToPts = cellToPts = Lookup[indTopts, #] & /@ cellToVertexG;
$periPolygonAssoc = periPolygonAssoc = perimeterPolygon /@ cellToPts;
$areaPolygonAssoc = areaPolygonAssoc = areaPolygon /@ cellToPts;

pltOriginal = Graphics[{Black, Thick, Values@Map[Line[Join[##, {First@#}]] &@
       Lookup[$indTopts, #] &, $cellToVertexG]}];

enter image description here

Running the simulation:

t = \[Delta]t;
indTopts = $indTopts;
ptsToInd = $ptsToInd;
vertexToCell = $vertexToCell;
cellToVertexG = $cellToVertexG;
periPolygonAssoc = $periPolygonAssoc;
areaPolygonAssoc = $areaPolygonAssoc;
cellToPts = $cellToPts;
edges = DeleteDuplicatesBy[
   Flatten[Map[Partition[#, 2, 1, 1] &, Values@$cellToVertexG], 1], 

Module[{cellsToRemove, vertsToRemove, edgechanged, polydiv},
  saveres = First@Last@Reap@Monitor[
       While[t <= 80 \[Delta]t,
        (* T2 transitions *)
        {cellsToRemove, vertsToRemove} = 
         cellsforT2[areaPolygonAssoc, cellToVertexG];
        If[cellsToRemove != {},
         {indTopts, cellToVertexG, vertexToCell, areaPolygonAssoc, 
           periPolygonAssoc} = 
          T2TransitionFn[{cellsToRemove, vertsToRemove}, indTopts, 
           cellToVertexG, areaPolygonAssoc, periPolygonAssoc]
        (* T1 transitions *)
        edges = 
          Flatten[Map[Partition[#, 2, 1, 1] &, Values[cellToVertexG]],
            1], Sort];
        {edgechanged, indTopts, cellToVertexG, vertexToCell} = 
         T1transitionFn[edges, indTopts, vertexToCell, cellToVertexG];
        cellToPts = Lookup[indTopts, #] & /@ cellToVertexG;
        areaPolygonAssoc = areaPolygon /@ cellToPts;
        periPolygonAssoc = perimeterPolygon /@ cellToPts;
        (* Divisions *)
        polydiv = selectDivCells[areaPolygonAssoc];
        If[polydiv != {},
          ({indTopts, cellToVertexG, areaPolygonAssoc, 
              periPolygonAssoc} = 
             cellDivision[#, indTopts, areaPolygonAssoc, 
              periPolygonAssoc, cellToVertexG]) &,
         vertexToCell = 
          GroupBy[Flatten[(Reverse[#, 2] &)@*Thread /@ 
             Normal@cellToVertexG], First -> Last];
        (* update positions *)
        indTopts = 
          Keys[indTopts] -> (Values[indTopts] + 
             Subscript[F, T][indTopts, vertexToCell, cellToVertexG, 
               areaPolygonAssoc, periPolygonAssoc] \[Delta]t)];
        cellToPts = Lookup[indTopts, #] & /@ cellToVertexG;
        areaPolygonAssoc = areaPolygon /@ cellToPts;
        periPolygonAssoc = perimeterPolygon /@ cellToPts;
        plt = 
         Graphics[{FaceForm[LightBlue], EdgeForm[Black], 
           Values[Polygon@Lookup[indTopts, #] & /@ cellToVertexG]}];
        t += \[Delta]t;
        ], plt

enter image description here

the initial and and final geometry of the mesh are superimposed:

enter image description here

The notebook for non-periodic mesh is attached as a notebook below:

The code with periodic boundary condition is attached as a notebook below:

POSTED BY: Ali Hashmi

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