We've added a new open listing of all universe models explored in 3d. Hypergraph Universes
We've also been experimenting visualizations and video with the models. Here are some examples of the visualizations.
6721 Wolfram Model All Edges Animated Video
Draws the path as animation based on indexed edge numbering, Model number: 6721, Generations: 1500
6721 Wolfram Model Detailed Path Video
Draws the path as animation based on indexed vertex numbering, does not use edge order in animation, Model number: 6721, Generations: 1500 6721 Wolfram Model Video
Colored based on mesh size and emission on all meshes, Model number: 6721, Generations: 1500, Wolfram Model registry details
44586 Wolfram Model All Edges Animated Video
Draws the path as animation based on indexed edge numbering, Model number: 44586, Generations: 1200 44586 Wolfram Model Video
Colored based on mesh size and emission on all meshes, Model number: 44586, Generations: 1200, Wolfram Model registry details
4758 Wolfram Model Video
Colored based on mesh size and low emission on all meshes, Model number: 4758, Generations: 400, Wolfram Model registry details
1268 Wolfram Model Video
Colored based on mesh indexes and emission on all meshes, Camera path is from inside the model, Model number: 1268, Generations: 1198, Wolfram Model registry details
1986 Wolfram Model Video
Colored based on mesh size range and emission based on a mesh size range, Model number: 1986, Generations: 198, Wolfram Model registry details
1116 Wolfram Model Video
Meshes created on paths and colored based on mesh size and emission on sequence of sizes. Model number: 1116, Generations: 18, Wolfram Model registry details
1st 11114 Wolfram Model Video
2nd 11114 Wolfram Model Video Less details
Meshes created on paths and colored based on similar points length as red. Model number 11114, Generations: 14, Wolfram Model registry details
1495 Wolfram Model Video
Two generations manually set to overlap, meshes created on paths and colored generation 50 as green and generation 200 as red. Model number 1495, Generations: 50 and 200, Wolfram Model registry details
1381 Wolfram Model Video
Colored based on mesh size and emission based on a mesh size range, Projection in 2d, Model number: 1381, Generations: 1198, Wolfram Model registry details
If there is an interest to build a video, image or 3d representation from certain models we are up for the task! You can contact here for a request.
The 3d Model explorer tool is originated from this post https://community.wolfram.com/groups/-/m/t/1985729