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Auditory perception tests in Mathematica?

The question I asked in this post is no longer relevant. I managed to solve the problem with AudioPlay followed by Pause, long enough to have the whole audio file played. At this time, I get the program to work on a Notebook but not on the Cloud.

I am trying to create a perception test consisting of a loop within which sound files are automatically played, one at a time, followed by an input dialogue where the subject types an answer (or clicks on an answer box), but so far I have been unable to make it work as I would like to. The problem is that I need to include both the sound presentation and the collection of the subject's response in a cell so that the subject does not have to start separate cell evaluations:

  1. Evaluate the first cell to start the presentation of an audio file
  2. Click on the output to listen to the selected audio file
  3. Evaluate the next cell to get the input dialogue
  4. Manually loop through the process by going back to the first cell to get a new audio file...

When I run both the sound file and input dialogue box in the same cell, the dialogue box blocks the presentation of the sound file. I cannot get the audio file to sound "spontaneously" without clicking on the play-symbol, but even so it is truncated because the dialogue box seems to prevent Mathematica from loading the whole file. I have tried different methods to prevent the dialogue box from popping up before the sound file is played (Interrupt, Pause, Wait...) but none of them with success so far. Essentially, I am trying to create with Mathematica the kind of perception tests that can be set up with PsychoPy but unfortunately I have not yet been able to find relevant documentation on this forum. I wonder if there is a suitable solution or if I should perhaps give up and instruct the subjects to click multiple times to activate the cells (which is unfortunate because it disrupts the flow and introduces uncontrolled memory loads).

I am attaching a Notebook as a simple illustration of what I am trying to do in a more smooth way.

Best Francisco

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