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Gaussian+Lorentzian Fitting?

Posted 11 years ago
Hi I'm trying to fit a Voigt distribution to a set of data, a Voigt distribution is a Gaussian Distribution + a Lorentzian Distribution(I have Mathematica 8).
So far i had found how to fit a Gaussian to my data, but when i tried to fit a Lorentzian, the program doesn't give nothing like my data
This is the code for the Gaussian
 data = Import "C:/Users/Greg6r56/Desktop/s12Rammantest/normref.txt","Table"];
 P1 = ListPlot[data, PlotRange -> {{450, 600}, {0, 1.2}}];
 P3 = NonlinearModelFit[data, {Exp[-((x - s)^2/(2*m^2))] + n, {550 > s > 500, m > 0}}, {s,m, n}, x, MaxIterations -> 5000];
 P4 = Normal[P3];
 P5 = Plot[P4, {x, 450, 600}, PlotStyle -> Red, PlotRange -> All];


Show[P1, P5]
and i obtain the following 
{s -> 520.447, m -> 2.27856, n -> 0.0121122}

so far so good

but now for the Lorenztian 
 L = PDF[CauchyDistribution[a, b], x] + k;
 L3 = NonlinearModelFit[data, {L, {550 > a > 500, b > 0}}, {a, b, k},x, MaxIterations -> 1000];
 L4 = Normal[L3];
 L5 = Plot[L4, {x, 450, 600}, PlotStyle -> Red, PlotRange -> All];

Show[P1, L5]
and this is my outcome wich is notting like my data :s

{a -> 501.841, b -> 8.32944, k -> 0.0155552}

I hope someone could helpe me 



I attached the code and the data file
2 Replies
Thanks that fixed the problem i left the code here if someone needi it 
Your Loranzian Model can never fit the data. Plot the function and see what happens when you vary the parameter you got. You'll find that you need an amplitude parameter to make the model fit your data. The parameter b is not only influencing the width of your function but also its height.
Show[P1, Plot[
  9 L /. {a -> 520.5`, b -> 2.5`, k -> 0.0}, {x, 480, 560},
  PlotRange -> All]]
POSTED BY: Manfred Plagmann
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