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Draw an exclusion plot using a set of inequalities(make a loglogregionplot)

Posted 3 years ago

logLogRegionPlot[rplot_] := Module[{pts, pgon}, pts = Cases[Normal@rplot, Line[a__] :> a, Infinity]; pgon = {EdgeForm[], Directive[RGBColor[0.368417, 0.506779, 0.709798], AbsoluteThickness[1.6], Opacity[0.3]], Cases[Normal@rplot, Polygon[_], Infinity]}; ListLogLogPlot[pts, Joined -> True, Frame -> True, PlotRange -> All, AspectRatio -> 1, Axes -> False, PlotStyle -> ColorData[1][1], Epilog -> (pgon /. {x, y?NumericQ} :> Log@{x, y})] ] logLogRegionPlot@RegionPlot[{y > 8(10^-10) (x)^(1/2)HeavisideTheta[(x)^(-1) - (y)] && x > 6(10^4) && x < 6(10^10) && y < (8(10^-10))^-1 x^(-5/2)HeavisideTheta[-(x)^(-1) + (y)] && y > 0.6*x^(-3/2)}, {x, 10^2, 10^14}, {y, 10^-16, 10^0}, PlotPoints -> 100]

How can I produce an log region plot satisfying those inequalities, I have tried to produce it with the above code an exclusion region is coming, but I need a large plot range for which it is giving a wrong plot.

POSTED BY: John Wick
2 Replies

What do you mean by Boole?

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
Posted 3 years ago

Boole is similar like the HeavisideTheta function and it is used here to differentiate between two boundary conditions, to overcome the confusion I have now replaced it with straight forward HeavisideTheta

POSTED BY: John Wick
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