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What is the difference between Graphics3D and Region

Posted 4 years ago

I tried the full-form of Graphics3D and Region and couldn't figure out what is the difference between the two. Basically I want to understand what is the motivation to have two different ways to build 3D:

  • Graphics3D[Sphere[]]
  • Region[Sphere[]]
POSTED BY: Vijay Sharma
2 Replies
Posted 4 years ago

In addition to Mike's comments, a Region can be used in geometric computations, see the documentation.

POSTED BY: Rohit Namjoshi
Posted 4 years ago


Depending on what your goal is, the difference might just be semantics.

That said, Graphics3D[] represents an image that is composed of one or more primitives.

Region[] can be one of those primitives. For example, Graphics3D[Region[Sphere[]]] provides the same output as Graphics3D.

What is your use case?

POSTED BY: Mike Besso
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