You could ask the developer to provide the functionality directly. Here is an attempt to do it automatically:
exp = (2 x^2 - 9)/Sqrt[x^2 - 1];
{asymptotesObl, asymptotesVert, asymptotesHor} =
Table[ResourceFunction["Asymptotes"][exp, x, y, type],
{type, {"Oblique", "Vertical", "Horizontal"}}];
asymptotesPrimitives = {If[asymptotesObl == {}, Nothing,
InfiniteLine[{0, 0}, {x, y}] /. asymptotesObl[[All, {1}]] /.
x -> 1],
If[asymptotesVert == {}, Nothing,
InfiniteLine[{x, 0}, {0,
1}] /.
(asymptotesVert[[All, {2}]] /.
{x -> \
\[PlusMinus]val_} :>
Splice[{{x -> -val}, {x -> val}}])],
If[asymptotesHor == {}, Nothing,
InfiniteLine[{0, y}, {1, 0}] /. asymptotesHor]};
Plot[exp, {x, -13, 13}, Epilog -> {asymptotesPrimitives}]