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Shade a submatrix within a matrix

Posted 4 years ago

I am using the free version of the Wolfram Alpha Mode Notebook. In it I have an 11 x 11 matrix and I would like to shade a sub-matrix, 4 x 4 sub-matrix, within the 11 x 11 matrix.

Could you please point me to an example or some documentation that illustrates how this is done.


POSTED BY: Thomas Vermaak
4 Replies

Thanks Rohit ... it worked great.

POSTED BY: Thomas Vermaak

Thanks Seth.

POSTED BY: Thomas Vermaak

If you are willing to wrap your matrix in Grid, you can do something like this:

Grid[RandomInteger[{1, 8}, {11, 11}], 
 Background -> {None, None, {{{4, 7}, {6, 9}} -> LightRed}}]
POSTED BY: Seth Chandler
Posted 4 years ago

You could try applying a Style to the elements

r = RandomInteger[{1, 8}, {11, 11}];

MapAt[Style[#, Red, 16] &, r, {4 ;; 7, 6 ;; 9}] // MatrixForm

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Rohit Namjoshi
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