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How to bind matrix values ​​with Plot?

Posted 3 years ago
A := RandomInteger[{-100, 100}, {2, 2}]
    Plot[Sin[x], {x, random,random}] 

I need the second part of the function to use the first two rows of the generated matrix to build a scatter plot. The first line is used as the values ​​for the X axis and the second line for the Y axis.

POSTED BY: Gleb Popov
Posted 3 years ago


Could you provide some additional background? And answer the following questions?

  • What do you mean by the "second part of the function"?
  • Is there a definition for the symbol random?
  • What is the purpose of the Dynamic?
  • Are you trying to get a different plot every time the code runs?

If you want a scatter plot, your best bet is probably one of the ListPlot functions.


POSTED BY: Mike Besso
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