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Why does NProbability output a zero?

POSTED BY: Raspi Rascal
6 Replies
Posted 3 years ago

Sorry, I do not. If one wants to be a learn about statistics and probability, one should get a degree in the subject or at least take some classes in statistics and probability. If one has taken such classes and wants to brush up or improve skills, then that's a different issue. But if just starting: stay in school.

(Remember: you asked for an opinion.)

POSTED BY: Jim Baldwin

Thanks @Jim! I'll leave feedback on the www ref page, pointing to this thread.

Sorry for the OT but do you know some great intro texts for probability (or, probability and statistics)? my Probability Theory knowledge level is pre-college/pdf/youtube/haha but I could deal with 1-semester or 1-year courseware like DeGroot Schervish (inscrutable tome...I am still looking for something more suitable for self-study). Would appreciate your opinion as long as not too condescending :P , thanks anyway!

POSTED BY: Raspi Rascal
Posted 3 years ago

Seems to be a bug. A workaround is to use a real number rather than a rational number for the probability of success. In other words, 1/6. works and 1/6 does not.

POSTED BY: Jim Baldwin

With Rational[1, 6] the NProbability gives 0, with N@Rational[1, 6] the NProbability gives 0.90. In either case, 500 is not a big number. If there were numerical computation issues (tags: workingprecision, machineprecision, etcprecision), the NProbability should have problems with N@Rational but not with Rational, because Rational is exact. You're calling it a bug, me too.

The person at "Wolfram Technical Support" said that it is not a bug. And closed the case. Meaning that he is not going to forward it to the development team for review. Noice.

He filtered me right at the gate. No chance of getting this issue through to the programmers.

POSTED BY: Raspi Rascal

Technical Support filed a bug report on this. It will be investigated.

POSTED BY: Daniel Lichtblau

Hi @Daniel , thanks for the note, that's news to me . My customer report case 4782033 was closed today with no prospect of further investigation of the topic . Personally I don't mind because my life line doesn't depend on the smooth workings of NProbability. I am a noob in statistics and probability theory, I'm taking the full month of March to learn the basics of the normal distribution. Our library purchased Grimmett Stirzaker 4/E hardcover in favor of me, but I am realizing that it's the wrong text to follow up my high school level lol.

POSTED BY: Raspi Rascal
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