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How to Plot an Inequality

Posted 11 years ago
Hello everyone!emoticon

I would kindly need some help for this:

How can I plot in mathematica the graphic solution for: -(T+q) z + (1-T-q) r  <  -z / 2 ?

where T and q are probabilities 0<T<1 and 0<q<1, and  r >0 and z>0 positive parameters          

I tried:  
ParametricPlot3D[-(T + q) z + (1 - T - q) r < -(z / 2) && 0 < T < 1 &&
0 < q < 1, && r > 0 && z > 0, {B, 0, 1}, {p, 0, 1}]

But doesn't work.. :/
POSTED BY: Kodi Hannon
4 Replies
Posted 11 years ago
Oh, ok, I got it!



Thanks a lot David!
POSTED BY: Kodi Hannon
Posted 11 years ago
Hi Kodi,
Perhaps I don't understand. The code block I posted produces this result:

POSTED BY: David Keith
Posted 11 years ago

I still can't get it emoticon

(Also, I think I would need the conditions of the paramters (>0) and the probabilities)
POSTED BY: Kodi Hannon
Posted 11 years ago
plotRegion[r_, z_] :=
RegionPlot[-(t + q) z + (1 - t - q) r < -z/2, {t, 0, 1}, {q, 0, 1},
  FrameLabel -> {"t", "q"}, PlotLabel -> "-(t+q) z+(1-t-q) r<-z/2"]
Best regards,
POSTED BY: David Keith
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