Good evening everybody!
Unfortunately, I didn't manage to draw the graph of the difference of two interpolating functions, that were received as numerical solution of two ODEs.
Some typical methods, such as ordinary "-" and some combinations with these functions didn't help.
Thanks beforehand.
r := 0.1;
c := 1/r;
c1 := 0.01;
a := 1; b := 0;
s = NDSolve[{Z''[z] + r*(-c1*Sin[z]*Exp[-z/r] + c)*Z[z] == 0,
Z[b] == 0, Z'[0] == a}, Z[z], {z, 0, 100}];
s1 = NDSolve[{Y''[z] + r*c*Y[z] == 0, Y[b] == 0, Y'[0] == a},
Y[z], {z, 0, 100}];
nsol[z_]: = (Z[z] /. (s[[1]][[1]])) - (Y[z] /. (s1[[1]][[1]]));
Plot[nsol[z], {z, 0, 100}]