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Interesting zig zag vibration found on Wolfram Models that are string-types

Posted 4 years ago

Wolfram vibration example

Found an interesting string vibration from a model that was generated by specific settings.

Detailed video capture of the model event (Archived)

User interface with physics engine running the simulation with edges as strings and nodes as charges repelling each others.

TS55 String hypergraph model visualization

Model details rule {{{1,1,2},{3,4,1}}->{{4,4,5},{1,4,1},{3,2,4}}}

  • Knitting tension occurs only in 2-way rule computation. The vibration tension is created in the 3d physics engine by using the node weights. But this shows a minimalistic way to create a tension between nodes that can create a wave pattern.
  • With single way computation the model knits only a straight line.

Has anyone found more similar events in any other models or by perturbing the models?

By analyzing the nodes seems there is 5 nodes that pull the string in a direction and 3 nodes between them that don't create a pull. As seen in the picture below with a closeup of the string. Vibration analysis




POSTED BY: Tuomas Sorakivi

Added link to new 3d view where the model can be examined in more detail.

TS55 String hypergraph model

  • Knitting tension occurs only in 2-way rule computation. The vibration tension is created in the 3d physics engine by using the node weights.
  • This model shows a minimalistic way to create a tension between nodes that can create a wave pattern.
POSTED BY: Tuomas Sorakivi
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