Sorry for adding to a fairly long thread, but I am having trouble with the Exercises in Section 4.3: Cluster Analysis. I cannot get the FindClusters function to get the same results as expected in Exercise 4.3.2. I have even used an answer on this thread, but no matter what the clusters do not match. Could something have changed in the Wolfram Language implementation to change the expected output? Here is what I tried:
FindClusters[{"colloquialism", "clubroom", "narcissism",
"ecclesiastically", "autumnal", "cornice", "mislead", "desperation",
"pare", "gainer", "decorum", "embroil", "incoming", "postmark",
"bolus", "strobe", "tectonic", "passive", "amused", "inured",
"blowup", "meaty", "extensible", "hike", "psychosomatic",
"coatroom", "adventitious", "protector", "punster", "putrescence",
"under", "nipper", "slate", "antebellum", "sympathizer", "piping",
"condensation", "sloping", "fundamentally", "stakeholder",
"weekend", "circumferential", "slow", "invalidating", "formulated",
"reheat", "authenticated", "pungency", "orderly", "cationic"},
DistanceFunction -> (Abs[StringLength@#1 - StringLength@#2] &)]
For which I get clustering that is actually a bit strange, with one cluster of words with length, 16,9,15 which would seem to be quite far apart:
{{"ecclesiastically", "protector",
"circumferential"}, {"colloquialism", "psychosomatic",
"fundamentally", "authenticated"}, {"clubroom", "autumnal",
"incoming", "postmark", "tectonic", "coatroom", "pungency",
"cationic"}, {"narcissism", "extensible", "antebellum",
"formulated"}, {"cornice", "mislead", "decorum", "embroil",
"passive", "punster", "sloping", "weekend",
"orderly"}, {"desperation", "putrescence", "sympathizer",
"stakeholder"}, {"pare", "hike", "slow"}, {"gainer", "strobe",
"amused", "inured", "blowup", "nipper", "piping",
"reheat"}, {"bolus", "meaty", "under", "slate"}, {"adventitious",
"condensation", "invalidating"}}
@Abrita Chakravarty Can you have a quick look and let me know if I'm doing something wrong? Thank you very much. This is one of the last questions left for me to complete the exercises for the course.