I have currently a kind of function that returns dimensions for a set of data, of this sort:
In[82]:= CF[cf]
Out[82]= {a00->-10,a02->1,a10->-1}
Out[83]= {{a02,-2,2},{a10,-2,2}}
So, a00 and so on are my dimensions on which I am plotting. However, if I use the return value as input for the second and third argument of my plot, I get an error as (I guess) a02 and a10 are protected (I guess Mathematica use them as variable during the processing).
Is there a way for me to use this output? Currently I have to copy/paste Out[83] manually, and when trying to automatize the vizualisation of several dataset if become tedious...
Thanks, please let me know of any inaccuracies, I am still learning to use Mathematica.