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Learning Curve

Posted 11 years ago

I'm uncertain as to what I'm doing, or as to what information you'd like.  I am a 90 year professional engineer who has owned a design and construct group as Edward Rice Inc for the past 35 years.  I have had minor requirements for Mathametica in the past and am now attempting to comphrend it in depth.  I observe the backgrounds on many of you people and feel awed and very insignificient.

Will you accept simple questions and problems?
POSTED BY: Edward Rice
3 Replies
I worked through this course many years ago and I really liked it.  It has homework exercises which of course help a lot.  If you've used Mathematica before, you might find it a little too basic.  It's also very old, so it won't discuss the newest features, but most of what is discussed is still very relevant, and it's focused on understanding the core language (thus there's probably little in tis couse that doesn't still work in v9, except for graphics-related stuff).
POSTED BY: Szabolcs Horvát
Posted 11 years ago
It is really old now, and copies are available for as little as a penny on Amazon, but I learned a great deal from "Applied Mathematica: Getting Started, Getting it done" by Shaw and Tigg. That is not going to cover all the latest graphical whiz bangs and animated do dads, but reading through that a few times can help explain how to think about processing data. If that sounds like it is at about your level then I highly recommend it. There are lots of other much more complicated, some good and some bad, books out there, but Shaw and Tigg seems like an excellent place to start. I did have to read the "un-named function" stuff over and over until I finally thought I got it.
POSTED BY: Bill Simpson
Sure, simple questions are the best kind.
POSTED BY: Frank Kampas
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