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Error while using NDSolve?

This code doesn't work, Please, I need help.

Clear[nN, beta0, gamma, sigma, iI0, sol, sS, eE, iI, rR]
nN = 100 000; (* Estudio para 100 mil personas *)
beta0 = 1.0;
gamma = 1 / 5; (* la enfermedad dura, de media, cinco días *)
sigma = 1 / 7; (* el periodo asintomático dura, de media, siete días *)
iI0 = 1; (* un infectado al principio *)
(* tiempo t en días *)
sol = NDSolve[\:f01csS'[t] == (-beta0) * (sS'[t]) * (iI[t]) \:f00c nN,
eE'[t] == (beta0)*(sS[t]) * (iI[t]) \:f00c (nN) - (sigma) * (eE[t]),
iI'[t] == (sigma)*(eE[t]) - (gamma) * (iI[t]),
rR'[t] == (gamma)*(iI[t]),
sS[0] == (nN) - (iI0), (eE[0]) == (iI0), (iI[0]) == 0, (rR[0]) == 0\:f027,
{sS, eE, iI, rR}, {t, 0, 240}];
Plot[Evaluate[{sS[t], eE[t], iI[t], rR[t]} /. sol], {t, 0, 120},
PlotRange \[RightArrow] All, AxesOrigin \[RightArrow] {0, 0}, AxesLabel \[RightArrow] {"días",},
PlotLegends \[RightArrow] {"susceptibles", "expuestos", "infectados", "recuperados"}]
2 Replies

Your first equation includes derivative of sS in both parts, left and right

sS'[t] == (-beta0) * (sS'[t]) * (iI[t]) / nN
POSTED BY: Konstantin Nosov
Posted 4 years ago

Restart Mathematica and, before doing anything else, scrape this code off the screen and paste it into your notebook and run it and report what you get


If it works then compare that character by character with the code you showed above and look at every tiny difference.

POSTED BY: Bill Nelson
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