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Using DataStructures in FunctionCompile?

Posted 3 years ago

This is a cross post from StackExchange.

I am trying to do the equivalent of Select on a "FixedArray" data structure.

Here is what I have tried so far:

fixedArrayDS = CreateDataStructure["FixedArray", 2^10];
vanillaArray = RandomReal[{0, 1}, fixedArrayDS["Length"]];
Do[fixedArrayDS["SetPart", i, vanillaArray[[i]]], {i, Length[vanillaArray]}]

I'd like to do the equivalent of this for a "FixedArray":

Select[vanillaArray, # < 0.5 &]

without extracting all the elements (i.e, this: Select[fixedArrayDS["Elements"], # < 0.5 &] is considered "cheating")

Let's try to compile a function to do this (I am trying to teach myself how to use FunctionCompile with data structures). Sow and Reap seems a plausible way to do this.

select = FunctionCompile[
   {Typed[fa, "FixedArray"], Typed[bound, "Real64"]},
      If[fa["Part", i] < bound, Sow[fa["Part", i]]],
      {i, 1, fa["Length"]}

doesn't work and comes back with a TypeError stating that a version of Reap can't be found that takes one argument. I'll come back to why Reap isn't going to work later and a hypothesis about using KernelFunction later.

Setting up some sanity checks. Test and see if this is the correct syntax for FunctionCompile on this data structure.

first = FunctionCompile[
   {Typed[fa, "FixedArray"], Typed[multiplier, "Real64"]},
   fa["Part", 1] multiplier

this works

first[fixedArrayDS, 1]

so the FunctionCompile syntax seems to be correct.

Another sanity check. See if Compile works with Reap and Sow:

cf = Compile[{{l, _Real, 1}, {b, _Real}},
     If[l[[i]] < b, Sow[l[[i]]]],
     {i, 1, Length[l]}

which works, but is slower than the built-in Select (probably because it is a single thread?):

RepeatedTiming[cf[vanillaArray, .5]]

Back to the original problem. Getting clues from Tom Wickham Jones' talk in 2020. Reap is not going to work because it isn't in the following list:


Perhaps using KernelFunction in the FunctionCompile would work--but how would I use Type for Reap?

Another solution might be to use another data structure that has a rapid Append:

select = FunctionCompile[
   {Typed[fa, "FixedArray"], Typed[bound, "Real64"]},
   Block[{collection = CreateDataStructure["DynamicArray"]},
     If[fa["Part", i] < bound, collection["Append", fa["Part", i]]],
     {i, 1, fa["Length"]}

But, this doesn't compile either.

Finally, there is a hint that there is a solution for this task that might be in development. See around minute 51:30 in the TWJ talk linked above; it appears there is a package for using Iterators that would be a natural implementation for select.


But it looks like it didn't ship with 12.3.

POSTED BY: W. Craig Carter

There is an instructive answer that gives a working syntax and demonstrates the speed-up of using FunctionCompile with a DataStructure here; stack exchange answer by Ilian.

My take-away is that one can get much faster code, but with a moderate learning curve for implementation. I think it’s likely that tutorials are coming soon.

POSTED BY: W. Craig Carter
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