On small lists of numbers using subsets and cases works reasonably well, but is slow when the list contains a few million entries.
list = {616, 720, 1352, 1504, 2288, 3136, 3744, 4600, 4752, 5720,
7000, 7280, 8568, 8800, 10296, 12312, 13832, 16456, 20224, 23400,
27056, 27720, 32032, 37904, 39208, 46376, 61272, 70720, 83600,
102200, 117936, 139392, 184016, 306720, 353912, 418264, 511216,
920200, 1533672, 4601024};
Cases[Subsets[list, {2}], {a_, b_} /; Mod[b, a] == 0]
{{616, 27720}, {616, 32032}, {616, 418264}, {720, 306720}, {1352,
39208}, {2288, 32032}, {8568, 1533672}}