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How do I install the 9.0.1 Mathematica update on my Mac?

Posted 11 years ago

from my university I have the license. I've downloaded version 9.0.0 from university's homepage. Now, after registration Mathematica I can't find the update possibility to version 9.0.1. 
Where can I find it?
POSTED BY: B.M. Döhring
3 Replies
To install the updated version of Mathematica, you just run the installer for the updated version. 

No, it doesn't have a built in self-updating system like itunes. To get the latest version, you download the latest version and install it.  
POSTED BY: Sean Clarke
Posted 11 years ago
Ok. I can log into and now I download 9.0.1
Is there no built-in update solution in mathematica where I can klick on and then the update is loading? Like "normal" applications like itunes and so on?
POSTED BY: B.M. Döhring
This depends on your university for the most part.

First, go to Can you log-in? If so, do you see version 9.0.1? You can download it here if you have an account. Some univerisities have set things up so you can download you copy of Mathematica this way. 

If you can't log into, then please contact your university. They should have access to 9.0.1 and be able to get it to you. You don't need a new activation key or anything as long as you install 9.0.1 on the same machine. 
POSTED BY: Sean Clarke
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