I have a simple (maybe mistake!) question. Is it possible to present a correlation matrix via a graph? For example:
data1 = {11.22, 12.29, 12.97, 14.15, 17.33, 17.60, 16.62, 14.43,
13.62, 11.01};
data2 = {12.29, 12.97, 14.15, 17.33, 17.60, 16.625`, 14.43, 13.62,
11.01, 9.25};
data3 = {12.97, 14.15, 17.33, 17.60, 16.625`, 14.43, 13.62, 11.016,
9.25, 9.48};
Tuples[{data1, data2, data3}, 2] // Partition[#, 3, 3] &, {2}] //
MatrixPlot[#, ColorFunction -> "DeepSeaColors",
PlotLegends -> Automatic] &

Thank you for your help.