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Automatic numbering in sections and subsections?

Posted 3 years ago

I am fighting unsuccessfully to create a document with automatic numbering that works well with sections and subsections. I would like not to use the Style sheet "Text book" provided as a template. But I can't find a method or tutorial to do this. If something exists, I would be pleased to study it..... Thanks by advance.

0.0. Enter section title here

Enter text here.

0.0.0. Enter subsection title here

0.0.0. Enter subsection title here

Enter text here.

Enter item1 text here.
POSTED BY: Yvan Abbe
2 Replies
Posted 3 years ago

Thanks ! I will read it ... again, but I fear that it is quite complex to customize easily the numbering in notebooks ...

POSTED BY: Yvan Abbe

In the Docuimentation Center, see tutorial/InputAndOutputInNotebooks#21892 and ref/menuitem/AutomaticNumbering.

POSTED BY: Murray Eisenberg
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