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Convert Image[] MathKernel.Graphics to System.Windows.Controls...

Posted 3 years ago

I develop a WPF application in C#. A part of code is:

mk.CaptureGraphics = true;
mk.GraphicsFormat = "GIF";
mk.GraphicsHeight = 100;
mk.GraphicsWidth = 150;
mk.UseFrontEnd = false; 
mk.Compute("Graphics[{Thick, Blue, Circle[{#, 0}] & /@ Range[4], Black, Dashed, Line[{{0, 0}, {5, 0}}]}]");
Img_Circle.Source = mk.Graphics[0];

Question: How should I convert Image[] MathKernel.Graphics to System.Windows.Controls.Image.Source?

I know it's not a Mathematica-problem itself, but I can't be solved!

POSTED BY: Peter Leibundgut
2 Replies
Posted 3 years ago
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