Clearly I must have made a mistake, the S&P500 did not gain 150% in 2016. So what did I do wrong, or is the data in FinancialData in error???
From the internet -- gains of the S&P500 by year

Table constructed from Mathematica

My code
rus3RtnYr = FinancialData["IWV", "Return", {{2010}, {2021}, "Year"}];
rus2RtnYr = FinancialData["IWN", "Return", {{2010}, {2021}, "Year"}];
spxRtnYr = FinancialData["SPX", "Return", {{2010}, {2021}, "Year"}];
djRtnYr = FinancialData["^DJI", "Return", {{2010}, {2021}, "Year"}];
DateString[DateList[#], {"MonthName", " ", "Year"}] &,
Flatten[rus3RtnYr[[2, 2]]]],
Map[PaddedForm[#, {2, 1}] &, Flatten[rus3RtnYr[[2, 1]]]],
Map[PaddedForm[#, {2, 1}] &, Flatten[rus2RtnYr[[2, 1]]]],
Map[PaddedForm[#, {2, 1}] &, Flatten[spxRtnYr[[2, 1]]]],
Map[PaddedForm[#, {2, 1}] &, Flatten[djRtnYr[[2, 1]]]]}], {"Date",
"Russell 3000", "Russell 2000", "S&P500", "DJIA"}],
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