Suppose we can utilize transmission line transformers to reduce the effective Z0 from 50 ohms to something less allowing higher Q.
Say Z0 = 20 and r = 5. Then I get really nice agreement for the caps with L = 30 uH down to around 1 MHz. This would be excellent for sweeping and snooping for unknown quadrupolar resonances in this band.
14N NQR often appears around there. Locating pure NQR spectra precisely would in many cases clarify NMR studies. The pursuit of pure NQR is difficult however because the frequency is unknown. Reducing the parameter space to a single value would make sweeping much more efficient.
Any shortcuts and tricks to allow easy sweeping could greatly acceleratre understanding of NQR in yet unstudied samples. NQR is indicative of internal field geometry in solids and is thus important in the identification of phase transitions.