I am using a MacBook Pro, with OS Big Sur v. 11.3.1 and Mathematica 12.
I am attempting to move several HyperCard Stacks over to Mathematica. For an example of the sort of thing I'm trying to move please see -- https://luysii.wordpress.com/2021/09/24/6287/. Total stack size about 100 megaBytes.
I would like to write a function residing in one Mathematica notebook to open a new Mathematica notebook to be titled myString.nb in /User/myName/Desktop/Hypercard Xref
I realize that, to the cognoscenti, the problem is trivial, but finding out how to do some of the simplest things in Mathematica is difficult and the answers are far from intuitive. Example: Finding out how many elements are in a list doesn't involve any of the 14 Count* functions, but rather Length [ list ]. Example: Getting a number out of a string involves
StringCases["Total Number of Cards = 6", x : NumberString :> ToExpression[x]]
Any help will be greatly appreciated.