I'm looking through your code, but it might take me a while to get a good enough understanding of it to experiment with it. I've never worked with CA in polynomial form before. I see the core concept, I'm hoping you're able to work it out. A continuous time solution should be very useful in proving rules as equivalent.
I wanted to make this a separate post in a couple of weeks, but the initial results are relevant. I had a thought that if you use a 4-color 1/2-range CA that alternates between pairs of colors you might be able to find rules equivalent to a 2-color 1-range CA. I just wrote a quick function to check all those possible combinations and got decent results.
(((IntegerDigits[firstInd, 2, 4] + 1)*{1, 4^3, 4^12,
4^15}) + ((IntegerDigits[secInd, 2, 4]*3)*{4^5, 4^6, 4^9,
4^10})) /. List -> Plus, 4, 1/2},
{{3}, 0},
Table[{n}, {n, 2, 50, 2}]](* A list of the alternating rows in each graphic,
marked for deletion *)
{firstInd, 0, 15}, {secInd, 0, 15}]]
No Rule 30 equivalent though. It's still interesting and I think I'll post some cleaner code at some point later.