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How can I expand a power series with power series coefficients?

Posted 11 years ago
If I type in a power series in which one of the coefficients is itself a power series, the appropriate simplifications happen automatically.  For example, typing
1 + (3 + 5 x + O[x]^3) x + O[x]^7
1 + 3 x + 5 x^2 + O[x]^4
But if I instead substitute in the coefficient series after the fact, as in
(1 + a x + O[x]^7) /. a -> 3 + 5 x + O[x]^3
I end up with a SeriesData object whose coefficients are themselves SeriesData objects:
1 + (3 + 5 x + O[x]^3) x + O[x]^7
Given this structure, how can I now cause the appropriate simplifications to happen?  ExpandAll doesn't do it, and I don't know what else to try.

The attached notebook gives the same example,
Lyle Ramshaw
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