That's marvelous -- I didn't know we had a debugger. I told you I was a Mathematica Neophyte. Wolfram's Mathematica 5 had very little on it.
The reason for looking at the variables, is ****not**** because I'm worried about the correctness or incorrectness of what I'm writing in Mathematica (as I can check each line). What I'm worried about is the correctness of Hypercard programs I wrote to create text files of data and metadata. A second concern is that it possible that some of the Hypercard stacks and cards are themselves corrupted. If the data and metadata isn't doing what my Mathematica program thinks it should be doing, I want to know in which Hypercard card it occurred in and why the Hypercard program did what it did.
Here's a small sample of the current program. You can see all the checks.
As always thanks for your help.
In[108]:= numTopicsS = data [[ lcln]]
Out[108]= "1 "
In[109]:= If [ StringQ[ numTopicsS ], Null, showXCardVariables [] ]
In[112]:= numTopicsI = ToExpression [ numTopicsS ]
Out[112]= 1
If [ IntegerQ[ numTopicsI], Null, showXCardVariables [] ]
Out[57]= True
In[115]:= lcln = inc [ lcln ]
In[116]:= topicDataPointer = lcln
Out[116]= 11
In[117]:= If [ IntegerQ[ topicDataPointer], Null,
showXCardVariables [] ]
In[120]:= lcln = lcln + numTopicsI
In[121]:= numLinesS =
data [[
lcln ]] (* need to save as a string, to use as a header in the \
card written out *)
Out[121]= "2 "
In[122]:= If [StringQ [ numLinesS], Null, showXCardVariables ]
numLinesI = ToExpression [ numLinesS ]
In[126]:= If [ IntegerQ[ numLinesI], Null, showXCardVariables [] ]
In[129]:= lcln = inc [ lcln ]
13 ** ** ** **
In[130]:= textDataPointer = lcln
In[131]:= If [ IntegerQ [ textDataPointer ], Null,
showXCardVariables [] ]
In[134]:= 13
lcln = lcln + numLinesI
Out[135]= 15
In[136]:= lastLine = data [[ lcln]]
Out[136]= "End card \"X2383901\" "