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Need help in parsing usage definitions.

Posted 2 years ago

In my quest to create digital curb cuts (more on that later on), I hit a wall. So far this code will break up/split up a usage text block into smaller chunks 98% of the time:

getUsage12[funNm51_String] :=   Module[    {funUsg, nm,
    gdList = {"ChannelObject", "CramerVonMisesTest", "DatePattern", 
      "DefaultButton", "DictionaryWordQ", "FileNameDrop", 
      "FileNameTake", "FinancialIndicator", "FindChannels", 
      "FormulaLookup", "GestureHandler", "GetContext", "LocalObject", 
      "GetEnvironment", "MorphologicalTransform", "Pluralize", 
      "ResamplingAlgorithmData", "SpellingCorrectionList", 
      "StringTrim", "LogRankTest", "AndersonDarlingTest", 
      "BrownForsytheTest", "KuiperTest", "LocationTest", "LeveneTest",
       "KolmogorovSmirnovTest", "LocationEquivalenceTest", 
      "MardiaSkewnessTest", "MardiaKurtosisTest", 
      "MardiaCombinedTest", "MannWhitneyTest", "ShapiroWilkTest", 
      "SignedRankTest", "SignTest", "PairedTTest", "PairedZTest", 
      "PearsonChiSquareTest", "VarianceEquivalenceTest", 
      "VarianceTest", "WatsonUSquareTest", "ZTest"}},    If[MemberQ[gdList, funNm51],
    funUsg = TextSentences[Information[funNm51, "Usage"]],
    funUsg = 
       Information[funNm51, "Usage"], {"\n" -> "\n\n", 
        "TI" | "TR" -> ""}]]];    nm = Length@funUsg;    Association@{"Usage" ->
        Association@{"Length" -> nm},
        Association@("Usage" <> ToString[#] -> funUsg[[#]] & /@ 
           Range[nm])}}    ];

However, the two troublesome functions I have yet to figure out how to break up: {CloudObject, ConnectSystemModelComponents} Suggestions how to improve my code to handle those two? I know it can be done since its shown in using the Code Assist tool. Thank you!

POSTED BY: Andrew Meit
4 Replies
Posted 2 years ago

As far as I can tell, the InformationData structure returned for those symbols is malformed. I think that you're just going to need to come up with an ad-hoc case for each of them.

POSTED BY: Eric Rimbey
Posted 2 years ago

Eric, thanks for your posting and thanks for agreeing the boxes returned are malformed. Yes, as you see in my code, am already doing ad-hoc edge cases. ;-) The code-assist does usage parsing correctly as you can see. I have contacted tech support to see if they can help me.

POSTED BY: Andrew Meit
Posted 2 years ago

One thing I might suggest is that instead of just deleting TI and TR you use regular expressions to pull out the first part of a StyleBox expression.

POSTED BY: Eric Rimbey
Posted 2 years ago

When WLdata works, I can do this code:

StringReplace[# <> ".", ".." -> "."] & /@ StringSplit[  
StringReplace[ WolframLanguageData["Plot", "PlaintextUsage"],
 {"\\!\\(\\*" -> "", 
     ",AutoSpacing->False" -> ""}], ". "]

which gives what I want:

{"Plot[f, {x, xmin, xmax}] generates a plot of f as a function of x
from xmin to xmax.","Plot[{f1, f2, ...}, {x, xmin, xmax}] plots
several functions fi.","Plot[{..., w[fi],...},...] plots fi with
features defined by the symbolic wrapper w.","Plot[..., {x}∊reg] takes
the variable x to be in the geometric region reg."}

However, sadly, WLD often fails Generating error msg: Missing["RetrievalFailure"] on these symbols:

POSTED BY: Andrew Meit
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