Thanks Eric, your guidance is really helpful. It’s very much appreciated.
I understand what you are explaining to me.
I will look into Apply later, but that seems interesting.
Your code :
Dynamic[{x, FullForm[x], ColorConvert[x, "HSB"],
FullForm[ColorConvert[x, "HSB"]], List @@ ColorConvert[x, "HSB"],
ColorConvert[x, "HSB"][[1]]}]
Works well and I understand all of it.
So basically, I have now what I want to start with :
The selected color in RGB numbers , as well as in HSB numbers.
Also the List thing works and is understandable.
From here I can continue.
I managed to make use of Apply, I think an important function.
I used it to get the HSB values, which I transformed, again into a ‘color’ format.
hueComp1 stands for a complementary color
colComp1 = Apply[Hue, {hueComp1, orgColorHSBsat, orgColrHSBbrit}]
To show the colors in the form of rectangles I have the following code - with a question :-)
I don’t understand that not one of the first two lines does work, but only the third way : RGBColor[x]
I have already : orgColorRGB = x // FullForm
So why is it not working as orgColorRGB has the same values as x?
colorResult1 = Graphics[{RGBColor[orgColorRGB], Rectangle[]}] ; (* The ORIGINAL COLOR *)
colorResult1 = Graphics[{orgColorRGB, Rectangle[]}] ; (* The ORIGINAL COLOR *)
colorResult1 = Graphics[{RGBColor[x], Rectangle[]}] ; (* The ORIGINAL COLOR *)
I attach the Nb I am working on for reference. The purpose of it is to select a color, and make two complementary colors, with an adjustable speed from the exact complementary color.
I plan to use this to create nice 3 color palettes for my design work.
Thanks again Eric, really helpful.
Best, Beat