I've solved a equation which gives me tree solutions for x. Then i want to plot it, but i only want the second solution to appear in the graphic, but i'm not able to do that. I'm using :
s = Solve[A == (1/(1 - Exp*x)^2 + B*Exp/(1 + x *Exp))*x ,
x], {EA, 0, 30}, {A, 0, 2.709*10^-5}, {B, 0, 1.161*10^-5}]Manipulate[
s = Solve[A == (1/(1 - Exp*x)^2 + B*Exp/(1 + x *Exp))*x ,
x], {EA, 0, 30}, {A, 0, 2.709*10^-5}, {B, 0, 1.161*10^-5}]
gives me the 3 solutions (all complicated, if anyone know how to get it directly a numeric solution is welcome)
Then i use this to plot
Plot[x /. s, {y, 0, 15}]Plot[x /. s, {y, 0, 15}]
where s is the equation mentioned before. How can i choose it to plot the second solution and/or the third? I think that using that it only takes the first one, and it's the only which i want to discard.
Thank you!