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Changing the background color of menuitems in an ActionMenu?

Posted 2 years ago

Currently the color is a pale grey which provides good color contrast for menuitem text. However, I am hoping there is a way to change the background color for ActionMenu items. Am using "Frameless" for a transparent ActionMenu main button, but the items remain grey. Thanks.

POSTED BY: Andrew Meit
2 Replies
Posted 2 years ago

Something like this?

ActionMenu[Style["Print Factorials", Background -> Cyan],
 {Style["4!", Background -> Cyan] :> Print[4!]},
 Appearance -> "Frameless"]
POSTED BY: Rohit Namjoshi
Posted 2 years ago

Rohit, Thanks; however your code does not make the entire background that color. There still is a grey "frame" around the colored text. None of these work:

ActionMenu[  Style["Print Factorials",    Background -> Cyan],
{Style["4!", Background -> Red] :> Print[4!]},   Appearance ->
"Frameless", MenuAppearance -> {Background -> Red},   MenuStyle ->
{Background -> Red}]

Am assuming there is an undocumented setting to use; there has to be. ;-)

POSTED BY: Andrew Meit
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