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Google Calendar and Google Contacts - Read only?

Posted 2 years ago

Hello everyone.

In my journey into the documentation, I found there's access to the Google Calendar and Contacts services. By the way, I only found ways to read from them, so I wonder, is it ever possible to write to these services?

Can I set a schedule or create a contact?

Thanks for any help.

POSTED BY: Ivano Arrighetta
2 Replies

Uhm, sad to hear this. No thanks, I was just looking around to see what are the Mathematica's abilities. I have to admit it's very powerful, and I like it so much that I'm considering upgrade for my basic plan to a paid one.

Thanks for your help by the way. =)


POSTED BY: Ivano Arrighetta
Posted 2 years ago

I don't think there is a ServiceConnect mechanism, but it may be possible to call the Google Rest API. I am not sure if it supports JWT authentication, but if it does, I have some code to generate the JWTs

POSTED BY: Andrew Burnett
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