Thank you! And learned more! However...
Some changes to get me closer to my goal:
AsRule[k_String, rest__] := k -> <|rest|>; AsRule[stuff___] := {stuff}
coreAss = <|core /. List -> AsRule|>;
But.. at the inner most the structure I get this
Association["x", "y", "v", "z", "a", "b", "c", "i", "k", "m", "n", "t"]
should be
{"x", "y", "v", "z", "a", "b", "c", "i", "k", "m", "n", "t"}
From using this expression:
coreAss["Language"]["Variables"]["Standard Symbols"]
Hope am making sense.
My clumsy code was good but not the answer I want:
mkAsstemp[l_List] := (temp = Join[{{First@l}}, Rest@l];
AssociationThread[First@# & /@ temp, Rest@# & /@ temp]);
The sample data, which is vastly larger, am using:
{"Language", {"Variables", {"TypeSet",
"\[SelectionPlaceholder]+=", "\[SelectionPlaceholder]-=",
"\[SelectionPlaceholder]/=", "\[SelectionPlaceholder]*=",
"\[SelectionPlaceholder]/:\[Placeholder]:=\[Placeholder]"}, \
{"Standard Symbols", "x", "y", "v", "z", "a", "b", "c", "i", "k", "m",
"n", "t"}, {"Creating Varibles",
"Unique[\[SelectionPlaceholder]]"}, {"Editing Variables",
"PrependTo[\[SelectionPlaceholder],]"}, {"Variable Basic Math",