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How do I ReplacePart conditionally?

I have a four column matrix with missing data, each represented by "x"

", "TSV"];

I need to replace each "x" with a Random Variate from a distribution that is specific to each column (the parameters are determined by mean and variance in actual observed data in each column)

It seems that, for the first column,

If[# == "x", 
   data[[All,1]], # -> RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[0, 1]]]] &

should work, but it doesn't. Once that issue is solved the four different parameter sets for the four distributions needs to be threaded over the four columns.

POSTED BY: Roger J Brown
12 Replies

Hi Roger

you could handle the problem of insufficient number of non "x" elements like this:

data // Transpose // 
   Map[With[{r = DeleteCases[#, "x"]}, # /. 
       "x" :> If[Length@r >= 2, RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[Mean@r, StandardDeviation@r]], 
         If[Length@r == 1, r[[1]], 0]]] &] // Transpose // TableForm

If a column has just one non "x" element left, return it as rv if it has no elements return 0 as rv.


POSTED BY: Robert Nowak

I had already made that change since that is the second argument in NormalDistribution[ ] that the documentation calls for.

POSTED BY: Roger J Brown

That fixed it. Thanks Your last comment is a weakness in my system so far. I have, for simplicity in order to get my head around the problem, assumed at least two non-missing elements in each row. Had not thought about the same affecting columns. Datasets with 19 of the 20 obs missing probably would be eliminated for other reasons before getting this far?

POSTED BY: Roger J Brown

Hi Roger,

I think you consequently should use StandardDeviation not Variance.

data// Transpose // 
   Map[With[{r = DeleteCases[#, "x"]}, # /. 
       "x" :> RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[Mean@r, StandardDeviation@r]]] &] // 
  Transpose // TableForm


POSTED BY: Robert Nowak

Hi Roger

ok, just replace -> by :>

data// Transpose // 
   Map[With[{r = DeleteCases[#, "x"]}, # /. 
       "x" :> RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[Mean@r, Variance@r]]] &] // 
  Transpose // TableForm

Further you have to take care, that there remain at least two non "x" elements in each column.


POSTED BY: Robert Nowak

Tighter code, but all the rvs in a particular column must be differently, even though from the same dist.

POSTED BY: Roger J Brown

Hi Roger

  Map[With[{r = DeleteCases[#, "x"]},
     # /. "x" -> RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[Mean@r, Variance@r]]]&]//


POSTED BY: Robert Nowak

Brilliant. It took me 5 minutes to finish it off. Notebook attached in case you are interested. I particularly appreciate your exposition explaining the code. Often help here (still good of course) just sends the code. But, as the saying goes "If you give a man a fish..."

Thanks. I will probably be back. This is part of a larger project to work out Wolfram code for Full Information Likelihood which I do not believe exists at present.

POSTED BY: Roger J Brown
Posted 2 years ago

Right. So now you just need to provide a definition for ColumnBasedFn (and probably change the name :) ). In your first post above, you were using a NormalDistribution to generate a random value, but I realize that that was just an illustration and that in your real situation the function would be different for each column. Just to illustrate, consider this:

ColumnBasedFn[n_] := RandomVariate[UniformDistribution[{n, n + 1}]]

If you added that and ran my code examples above, you'd get all of your "x"s replaced with a random number from within a range defined by the column number.

I noticed that at the bottom of your notebook you're doing this replacement (I assume your colFct is equivalent to my ColumnBasedFn):

Transpose[dataMI1][[#]] /. 
 colFct[#] -> 
  RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[mnstd[[#, 1]], mnstd[[#, 2]]]]

But you don't need to do a replacement, you just need to provide a definition for colFct. Once the colFct expressions are inserted into your data (via either of the methods I demonstrated above), they will get evaluated using whatever definition you provide for colFct. Based on what I see, maybe something like this would work:

colFct[n_] := RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[mnstd[[n, 1]], mnstd[[n, 2]]]]

But I actually haven't carefully analyzed what you're doing, so this is probably not quite right.

POSTED BY: Eric Rimbey

@Eric - That works. Thanks for your help.

But rather than x I now have "ColumnBasedFn[x]" where I once had "x"

I feel like I am very close. Attached notebook shows the current situation (earlier file had a problem and has been replaced with one that opens cleanly)

POSTED BY: Roger J Brown
Posted 2 years ago

Here's another approach:

(*This time we look at the actual value, so we use a function that \
has a special case for "x" and doesn't disturb any other values*)
AnotherReplacer["x", position_] := ColumnBasedFn[Last@position];
AnotherReplacer[value_, _] := value

(*MapIndexed will provide the position info we need.*)
MapIndexed[AnotherReplacer, data, {-1}]

This produces (again)

{{12, 27, 19, 44}, {11, ColumnBasedFn[2], 13, 43}, {ColumnBasedFn[1], 
  56, 23, 60}, {15, 37, 19, 52}, {10, 31, 21, ColumnBasedFn[4]}, {18, 
  40, 22, 43}, {15, 50, 28, 56}, {21, ColumnBasedFn[2], 
  ColumnBasedFn[3], 46}, {20, 39, 25, 51}, {ColumnBasedFn[1], 36, 23, 
  56}, {ColumnBasedFn[1], 27, 21, 39}, {14, 32, 20, 46}, {22, 40, 
  ColumnBasedFn[3], 49}, {ColumnBasedFn[1], 31, ColumnBasedFn[3], 
  44}, {ColumnBasedFn[1], 18, 21, ColumnBasedFn[4]}, {16, 23, 21, 
  34}, {27, 26, 23, 59}, {17, ColumnBasedFn[2], ColumnBasedFn[3], 
  35}, {13, 21, 20, 48}, {11, 51, 18, 54}}
POSTED BY: Eric Rimbey
Posted 2 years ago

Here's a possible approach:

(*Find where all the "x" are. Since the replacement will depend on \
position, we can use these positions later.*)
Position[data, "x"]

(*You'll need some function that uses the position to determine a \
replacement value. This is just a placeholder for this example*)

(*Here's a function that uses the position to do a replacement on the \
TheReplacer[data_, position_] := 
 ReplacePart[data, position -> ColumnBasedFn[Last@position]]

(*And finally, we apply the replacer with our positions. There are \
many ways to do this, I just happened to choose Fold.*)
Fold[TheReplacer, data, Position[data, "x"]]

This produces:

{{12, 27, 19, 44}, {11, ColumnBasedFn[2], 13, 43}, {ColumnBasedFn[1], 
  56, 23, 60}, {15, 37, 19, 52}, {10, 31, 21, ColumnBasedFn[4]}, {18, 
  40, 22, 43}, {15, 50, 28, 56}, {21, ColumnBasedFn[2], 
  ColumnBasedFn[3], 46}, {20, 39, 25, 51}, {ColumnBasedFn[1], 36, 23, 
  56}, {ColumnBasedFn[1], 27, 21, 39}, {14, 32, 20, 46}, {22, 40, 
  ColumnBasedFn[3], 49}, {ColumnBasedFn[1], 31, ColumnBasedFn[3], 
  44}, {ColumnBasedFn[1], 18, 21, ColumnBasedFn[4]}, {16, 23, 21, 
  34}, {27, 26, 23, 59}, {17, ColumnBasedFn[2], ColumnBasedFn[3], 
  35}, {13, 21, 20, 48}, {11, 51, 18, 54}}
POSTED BY: Eric Rimbey
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